The summer is closing in, the weather is nice and I recently started running again! I decided I will attend the local half-marathon called 3 sjøersløpet in November. However, after a few short running sessions I got reminded of my injury from last years season. I did a whole lot […]
38 posts
I recently decided to go back to Java, especially because of the features provided in version 8. Here’s how I did it (tldr in bottom). First things first, we need a repository to pull the packages from, so we add webupd8team’s java PPA repository with: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java Running this […]
I decided it was about time to get a personal website, both to be more accessible and to have a domain to test some webdev on. I will create more content here as time passes, but for now this will have to do! I’m not gonna write much here right […]